Lab - Remote Sensing (Assignment 9) NDVI

Perform a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on both change detection images; Tallahassee-97.img and Tallahassee-99.img.

From the main horizontal menu bar select Raster> Unsupervised > Indices. The input file will be one of the two Tallahassee images (repeat the process for the other one), output file will be something like Tallahassee-97-ndvi, make sure the Sensor is highlighted as Landsat TM, and make sure the Select Function is highlighted to NDVI. Click OK.

Once Tallahassee-97-ndvi and Tallahassee-99-ndvi have been created display them side-by-side in two separate viewers. Ensure that you select Pseudo Color from Raster Options. Scale the images to fit their respective viewers. Bring up their Attributes table from Viewer > Raster and highlight all Values above 0.47 and change the color to something conspicuous like red. Do this for both images.

| Year | Entire Image

Value Total | Entire Image


Maximum | Entire Image

Histogram Total | > 0.47

Value Total | > 0.47

Value Maximum | > 0.47

Histogram Total